Tour De France and sports in general…

July 25, 2007


TDF seems to have killed it self … The acts in the last couple of days, has turned tdf into a kids-like event. The medias, the compeditors, the tdf-board has simply killed tdf. Last example is Michael Rasmussen, who apparently has lied about his not staying, outside of Mexico, in june … I´d like, not to deside, whatever outcome of that situation should have been … But Michael, has apparently lost his job, do to his mis-informing …. ???  If we turn this situation into a simple football game, any player should be fired if he, or she, is acting a situation in order to get a penalty-shot …. The poor man has´nt been taken in cheating during the game … and even not tested positive in his blood-test …. So, as I see it, the tdf has become a parodi on low childish policy … I allso believe that my time viewing tdf has ended … It´s been a whiled, since I, last wasted hour´s on cartoon´s ….

I´ve allso noticed that amatour-sports, in general, is paying cash-fines, if the compeditors makes mistakes during their sport …. among others is for instance the cart-sport …. that´s a sad turning in sports … and if it keeps going in this direction …. only people, loaded with money, are able to compeet …. Great attitude (NOT!) If you allready got the money … you can turn pro …..

People that makes roules like this for NOT-pro sport´s are the real scumbags …. and they should be exposed (yesterday) from whatever sport or level they might be handling ….

I think, if We asked the old greeks about fines in the OL, we would be thrown to the lion´s … because we are dum Homo Sapients that can be controlled by: “Talking money..”

Have a nice “ANTI-TDF”-day …